Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Earth Skills Journey with the Alevin Explorers at Fairhaven Park: WATER

Alevin Explorers showed up on time to Fairhaven Park, ready to explore and learn. We immediately made our way towards the 100-Aker Woods for introductions. This was the first outing for Andrew and Rhys who fell into place throughout the outing by participating fully and getting active. Welcome to the Alevin!
It didn’t take long for Explorers to remember their knives and they carved in every free minute. Mentors introduced the Earth Skill for this spring: Water. This is one of the four crucial elements needed for outdoor survival. We would not be able to thrive without this important resource. As such, the Explorers had their first taste of trying to find water… but no one drank any of the findings!
Matt told a story about Swimmology. Please ask your Explorer if he can remember the story. The moral of the tale is that we can study to prepare ourselves for anything but that the real work comes when we have to act. This reminds us of the mottoThe Only Way Out is Through.
As such Explorers began their journey to learn about water by getting their feet wet. We practiced carrying our water as a treasure, trying not to spill a drop. When we do not have access to the convenience of a running tap, it is vital that we safeguard our potable water. Explorers took the first steps in learning the importance of water conservation and protection through an obstacle course activity in the hawthorn trees and low-lying shrubs.
During this exercise, the Alevin also learned about ropes and leverage. Ask your Explorer who won the tug of war competition between them and the team, Dave + tree.
Though we were inclined to bask in the sunshine the forest beckoned us to play. We stopped in a clearing to talk about collecting water. Mentors gave Explorers five minutes to gather water they deemed to be most potable. During this Earth Skills Explosion, boys got water from a number of locations in the immediate vicinity.
Sources included a bath tub, mud pools, and a small rivulet. After this experience, Explorers saw a demonstration of how water collects in a watershed. They observed how water pools in lakes but were quick to point out that water isn’t always best to collect at the bottom of watersheds. Sometimes, it’s best to go as close to the source as possible.
Steve discussed what to do with the water once we’ve collected it. In order to make it safe, we have to boil, filter, and take precautions that prevent us from ingesting harmful bacteria and other microorganisms. Explorers have a lot more to learn about this, but we will be working with water throughout this season to deepen our understanding.
We made our way further into the forest when we reached a fork in the road. Boys were exactly split 6-6 about which way to go. Organically, and much to the mentors’ surprise, Alevin began to brainstorm a solution that would make everyone happy. They manifested the EC mottoCollaborate and Compromise, and made a plan that was unanimously ratified in less than five minutes. Impressive work, guys!
Well into the darker understory, we introduced Rhys and Andrew to Spider’s Web and scattered in every direction. How wonderful it was to crawl around in the sword fern again! Following the game, some boys embarked on an important Rite of Passage while the rest of us participated in a Circle of Thanks. While sharing apples together, we practiced our mottoAttitude of Gratitudeand gave thanks for our experience together.
The day ended in the sunshine, just like it started. Thank you Explorers for your energy and ambition to seize the nice weather. Parents, thank you for your support and encouragement of your Explorers and this program. We’d like to remind you to check out the photo gallery and peruse the website to be prepared for the next outing on April 21st. See you then!

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